A very large darshan program was scheduled to take place in Ahmednagar on March 6th. (1960), before Baba left for Guruprasad. The Navsari group had come for this, and Baba called them to Meherazad the day before. Many newcomers were in the group. Hoshang Bharucha’s brother, Marzban, was among them and Baba asked him, “What do you think I am?”

Marzban said, “A crook!”

Baba smiled and replied, “I am God, a crook and everything in between. I am glad you have given me your frank opinion.

“Do you love me?” Baba then asked.

“I do not know what love is,” Marzban replied. But soon after this, he began to weep and did not want to leave Baba’s side. Baba called him and embraced him several times. Marzban was a changed man from that day on and became an ardent lover.

Baba pointed out that those who have firm faith and belief in him never find cause to be worried: “The question of worry does not arise.” About his recent birthday celebrations, he joked, “Seeing how enthusiastically my birthday was celebrated in this country and abroad makes me feel it is going to be my last.”

Lord Meher, Original Publication, Bhau Kalchuri, Vol.16, p. 5695.