(March 1954) The people heard the message from Meher Baba entitled “The Atma’s Love of Play:”

Each and every seemingly individual soul (atma) is destined to realize its One Indivisible Self. As soon as the atma begins to unfold to the first faint consciousness of its Infinite and Eternal State, it is confronted by its own shadow. The atma gets immediately lost in the consciousness of this shadow and from then on becomes involved in the interminable “play of illusion.” This hankering after play and display, show and “tamasha,” persists, in one form or another, throughout the soul’s journey to Truth. In a child, it derives pleasure in playing with toys. As a man, it demonstrates its fondness for play through the enjoyment of sport, drama and adventure. This addiction persists even when man has embarked on the spiritual path, when he still indulges in his love for play and display by exhibiting his supernatural powers in the form of ostentatious miracles.

Unless and until man stops seeking escape from his Ultimate Destination by losing himself in the childish play of illusory pleasures, he cannot grasp spirituality seriously. It is time to stop playing with the scintillating toys of illusion and yearn for the attainment of the One and Only Reality.


Lord Meher, Original Publication, Bhau Kalchuri, Vol. 12, pp. 4361 – 4362.