(July 1956) After lunch, which was Baba’s only meal of the day and which he took privately upstairs, he came down again for more interviews. Afterwards, he invited all his lovers into the room. They sat down around him as the blinds were drawn open and Lowell Shaw, Charmian Duce, Don Stevens and an NBC-TV cameraman prepared to take films. The bright movie lights were switched on, and Baba gave the following short discourse:

When you become one with God, the bliss that you experience is eternal, infinite. There is no break in that bliss, it is continual. And then you can make others happy. You get the authority to make others happy.

The only thing that I have been repeating ever since the first time I came, is: “Love God.” Age after age, I have been saying nothing but “Love God.”

Love: everyone now uses the word love; it has been made so very cheap. If one really loves, one would never utter that word. What does it mean to love God? It is a very, very great thing. The true lover of God never says anything. He forgets that he loves God.

How will you love God? How should you love God? Not through meditations, not through so-called prayers and other things. There are two ways. One is to leave all and everything. That means to have nothing of your own, not even your body – to renounce absolutely everything. Everything means not only your surroundings but everything, including yourself.

The second thing is something great. There you do not have to renounce anything. You can lead a family life, be in the world, do your work or business, attend to your services, attend theaters, parties, everything. But always do one thing. Constantly think, constantly try to make others happy, even at the cost of your own happiness. That is the second way of loving God.

Lord Meher, Bhau Kalchuri, Original Publication, Vol. 14, p. 4970.