Rhoda had been a very religious child and somewhat romantic. She had always had a secret wish that when she got married God should bless her wedding in the form of a slight drizzle – a few sprinkles of rain – as a sign of his blessing. Just one day before her wedding in Karachi, on July 1st, 1945, she had been hearing so much about Meher Baba’s greatness during the last months, she issued a challenge to him: “If you are what they say you are, you will send me heaven’s blessings on my wedding day.” She promptly forgot all about the ultimatum in the hectic hours preceding the ceremony.

The family was wealthy and a thousand people had been invited to the wedding. Karachi is such a dry city that it hardly ever rains – at most one or two inches a year in the winter. But on that July day, in the middle of summer, suddenly the sky grew dark and without warning it rained very heavily. Within half an hour there was knee-deep water everywhere. Karachi was flooded. This was the first and last day it rained in 1945.

When Rhoda first saw Baba, he called her and her husband to him and asked if they wanted to ask anything. Rhoda did not say anything, but the thought that kept coming into her mind was: “You sent me heaven’s blessings on my wedding day.” She became his forever. She, who had wanted to draw her husband away from Baba, was herself brought to his feet.

Lord Meher, Bhau Kalchuri, Original Publication, Vol. 9, p. 3090.