One of the reporters remarked, “Although one makes a determined beginning, one’s enthusiasm slowly wanes when there seems nothing to show for the efforts, and this is followed by a feeling of mental depression.”

Baba answered through Eruch:

Yes, this is quite common. Whatever the efforts you make, whatever the failures that seem to result, whatever the despair that follows, all have their roots in the fact that you love yourself more than you love God. In loving yourself as wholeheartedly as you should have loved God, failures and despair stand up prominently before you. This is quite natural.

Therefore, do not let the fact of your depression depress you. Have you given thought as to where this depression was prior to its appearance? It has emerged unasked, and as such, it must vanish. Your forced efforts to overcome it will only imprint itself all the more on your mind and create further binding. So be completely indifferent to it and it will disappear.

The solution is to love God as He should be loved. Love for God alone counts.

Lord Meher, Original Publication, Bhau Kalchuri, Vol. 16, p. 5521.