One morning in July, (1968) Baba dictated this rhyme:

“God always existed. God will always exist.

He is never changing, ever the same,

And illusion is his eternal game.”

Later, in August, Baba continued the theme:

“Everlasting, never ending

Never changing, ever the same

And his Oneness in its fullness

Plays in manyness his game.”

Another time, he spelled out, “Coming, coming, coming – came!” Francis said Eruch’s words sounded like an auctioneer’s call in reverse! With a twinkle in his eyes, Baba gestured, “None of you can know what it means.” A few days later, he added another line, making it rhyme:

“Coming, coming, coming – CAME!

I am tired of the illusion game!”

(On the evening of July 30, 1968 Baba declared: “My work is done. It is completed one hundred percent to my satisfaction…” and six months later on January 31, 1969, he dropped his physical form).

Lord Meher, Bhau Kalchuri, Original Publication, Vol. 20, p. 6642.