Later that day, (January 13, 1942) Baba called all the men mandali to the mast ashram at three that afternoon, and gave this explanation about fasting:

The body will survive for ninety-five days if one remains only on water. Just as the body feeds on food, so the mind feeds on desires, and indulgence in these desires feeds the mind and the ego. So, by starving the mind of these desires, the ego becomes very thin and weak.

In a physical fast, taking only water as you did yesterday, lust is lessened, but anger and hope are increased. During the first three days of a fast, hunger is marked, depression is strong, anger is strengthened and lust is diminished. From the third to the seventh day, there is a fluctuation in feelings: hunger, depression, anger and lust are all lessened, while hope – for everything – is still strong. On the tenth day, the feelings again swing back, and there is increased hunger and anger. This lasts until the fourteenth day, when the feelings again become calm and remain calm. Thus, after the fourteenth day, a fast has no spiritual value.

Lord Meher, Original Publication, Bhau Kalchuri, Vol. 8, p. 2757.