(May 1958) Don Stevens then read out this discourse on the difference between love and devotion:

Love burns the lover; devotion burns the Beloved.

Love seeks happiness for the Beloved; devotion seeks blessings from the Beloved.

Love seeks to shoulder the burden of the Beloved; devotion throws the burden on the Beloved.

Love gives; devotion asks.

Love is silent and sublime, devoid of outward expressions; devotion expresses itself outwardly.

Love does not require the presence of the Beloved in order to love; devotion demands the presence of the Beloved to express affection for the Beloved.

Baba commented, “I have explained the origin of this discourse. It was given for Harry Kenmore in India after he had heard the devotees saying they did not know how to love God.

Lord Meher, Original Publication, Bhau Kalchuri, Vol. 15, p. 5405.