(July 1935) Some work still remained to be completed on the cabin, so Baba did not actually begin his seclusion until the evening of July 15th. No one was allowed near the new cabin unless called by Baba.

Padri and Pendu were occasionally called for work. Vishnu came each day from 3 to 4:30 P.M. to attend to correspondence, since Chanji continued to stay in Bombay. Baba would send him instructions through Vishnu. Chhagan kept watch at night.

At fixed times, Valu Pawar brought Baba food and tea prepared by Mehera. It was strictly forbidden to look inside the cabin when Baba was doing his seclusion work. One day, Valu brought Baba’s tray of food to the cabin at the appointed time. However, she found the door of the cabin closed. Believing the wind had blown the door shut, Valu pushed it open. Baba was seated inside engrossed in his inner work. He appeared startled and he looked up and stared at her. His powerful gaze overwhelmed Valu and her eyes immediately became full of pain. Afterward her eyes became bloodshot, then worsened and she suffered a blinded state for three days.

In this seclusion, Baba would occasionally send for the women to see them. When he did, following the incident with Valu, Gulmai beseeched him to take pity on Valu and forgive her mistake. Baba answered Gulmai’s plea and Valu’s sight was restored. This experience taught Valu to be extremely careful in the future in following Baba’s exacting orders. Since 1925, Valu had washed Baba’s clothes and kept his room clean. She was wholly dedicated to the Master, remaining so until her end. This incident became a sign of the power of the Master’s seclusion work.

Lord Meher, Original Publication, Bhau Kalchuri, Vol. 6, p. 1967 – 1968.