Many lovers were writing to Baba for darshan, and so, on Sunday, February 1st, (1959) Baba had this circular issued:

To those who love me and obey me and to those who would do so:

In the Meherabad Gathering of July 10th, 1958, I had expressed my wish that, henceforth, none should expect or seek from me any discourse, interview, darshan or sahavas unless I wish to give, personally, the same to any individual, family or group. In spite of this, almost all letters from some of my lovers, addressed to me after January 15th, 1959, have expressed an ardent desire to have my darshan. Some of my lovers, overpowered by their devotion, still continue to expect and seek my darshan.

To save them the struggle between their devotion and obedience, I want all my lovers and others concerned to know that, henceforth, anyone who wishes to come to see me and contact me may do so any day between 9:00 A.M. and 12 noon. The person concerned must make his or her own arrangements as regards conveyance, stay, food and other personal comforts. These arrangements must be seen to by the person concerned without seeking the least aid from the resident mandali, Adi or his office.

This freedom to see me between 9:00 A.M. and 12 noon will not  necessarily mean that the visitor will be granted permission to remain in my presence or in the vicinity of my room for the entire duration of the visiting hours. This freedom to see me will not permit anyone to be with me for more than a couple of minutes, which is all that is necessary to meet and greet me with love and to receive my embrace of all-embracing love. Nor will it permit anyone to linger on, even on the premises, more than is absolutely necessary.

This freedom to see me will not permit anyone to seek the least opportunity to ask me for spiritual or material guidance, gain or aid. The freedom to see me does not entitle anyone to ask from me travelling fares or journey expenses even if I do not see or meet the person concerned. This freedom to see me is not an invitation to anyone to see me; as such, no one should expect any preferential treatment.

This freedom to see me is granted by me; as such, I remain equally free not  to see anyone on any particular day, even during the fixed visiting hours of the morning. If I so wish, I may not see anyone at all for a number of days together.

This freedom to see me permits anyone to meet me, if I am available, in any city or town, wherever I may be, during the visiting hours between 9:00 A.M. and 12 noon (local time of the place). This freedom to see me will not bind me to remain in one place, merely to be available to visitors during the visiting hours. I might frequently be changing my place of residence, to and fro between Bombay, Poona and Ahmednagar, particularly during the next six months.

Therefore, whosoever may want to take advantage of the freedom to see me should venture to come to me fully prepared to face and risk consequent inconveniences and the possibility of not seeing me at all for a number of days at any particular place. The resident mandali, Adi or his office will not  be responsible, nor bound to inform anyone about my movements from place to place.

As I do not accept gifts of any kind or of cash, no one visiting me should bring any kind of offerings other than the real offering of love. When, for my work, I specially invite any of my lovers to see me at any place, the aforementioned points, other than the point about gifts, do not apply to those invited.

Besides telegrams, all other communications addressed to me will not necessarily be attended to by me. Therefore, no one should expect to receive replies from me.

After the circular was received, many lovers and devotees began coming to Meherazad to briefly pay their respects to Baba and receive his embrace. Some traveled from hundreds of miles away just for a few minutes with Baba.

Lord Meher, Original Publication, Bhau Kalchuri, Vol. 16, pp. 5528 – 5529.