The beginning of an endless new story!
Mehera and the women Mandali came for their last darshan. All stood silently around the Tomb. In the pin-drop silence, only the loud sobs could be heard of the one who loved the only One as He should be loved. The women Mandali put a garland round Baba and with eyes that betrayed the sorrow in their hearts, they stepped out of the Tomb.
Baba’s men Mandali now collected in the Tomb. The coffin lid was passed on by lovers to the door of the Tomb. The lid was brought inside and ropes tied to the four handles on its corners. Just before it was placed over Baba, Eruch went down in the crypt and placed over Beloved Baba’s face a very fine scarf given by Mehera. The coffin lid was then lifted by the Mandali standing on the crypt landing. Amongst loud shouts of “Avatar Meher Baba Ki Jai!” the lid was slowly lowered over Baba with the help of the ropes, hiding Him from our sight for all time. Was Baba now teaching us to see Him not physically but in our hearts? Many tears were shed as the lid was lowered. Mehera and the women Mandali watched the lid being lowered from the North window.
As it was Baba’s birthday according to the Zoroastrian calendar, prasad was distributed to all who had come for the last darshan.
At 5:00 p.m. the crypt was full of earth and the Tomb was swept and cleaned. Baba’s seven coloured flag was put on the earth in the crypt. Mehera, Mani and the women Mandali went inside and placed a garland on the flag. Only a few lovers were left at Meherabad by now. Most of them had departed and were on their way home. Very soon the sun could be seen setting on the horizon throwing its rays on the Tomb. The rays lit up the four emblems of the four religions standing at the four corners of the Tomb and the words “Mastery in Servitude” written over the door. Blessed are they who recognized Him as God in human form, loved and surrendered their all unto Him. Meher Baba’s last sahavas and the long story of the Ancient One had now come to a close, but it marked the beginning of an endless new story!
MEHER BABA’S LAST SAHAVAS, (Excerpts) 1969 (c) Dilmeher Bhola Bharucha
2. Lowering of the wooden coffin.
3. The author Dr. Hoshang P. Bharucha on Baba’s left during Mass Darshan Programme. On Baba’s