(Feb. 10, 1954) AT TWENTY MINUTES to midnight, Baba asked everyone to wash his face and hands and be present in ten minutes for the prayers. Baba also washed his hands. Exactly at midnight, the Repentance Prayer was read by Eruch in English, then by Ramjoo in Urdu and Dhake in Marathi.
Aziz Qawaal continued his performance, which Baba would interrupt periodically to explain certain lines. At one point, Baba asked Kumar, “How can you call me Paramatma?”
He replied, “I only know my Baba, and also know that no one is higher than him. Even if he be higher than Paramatma, then that Paramatma is Baba!”
Baba remarked, “I am touched by this.”
When Kaikobad was asked why he called Baba God, he replied, “From my experience, I can say that Baba is God.”
At about 1 A.M., Baba remarked to Keshav Nigam, “You have no idea what gift you are about to receive at this moment.”
Then, addressing all those present, Baba continued, “I feel in an extremely good mood now, and although I still do not find it proper to tell about my next advent after seven hundred years, as I promised to Kumar, this much I can say today, that one time I will tell about it clearly. But this much I can say in my present good mood, that soon God will make me break my silence, which will mean God manifesting Himself. And, within a short period, humiliation and glorification will come, followed by my violent physical death. I will come back again after seven hundred years; this much I can say now.”
Baba’s announcement brought tears to the eyes of some, and, raising his hand after running his finger on the alphabet board, Baba spelled out through Eruch, “Avatar Meher Baba Ki Jai!” All took up the declaration, repeating it several times.
This was the first time Baba himself had spelled on the board “Avatar Meher Baba Ki Jai.”
The tears and cries of our age had been heard!
Meher Baba, Meher Prabhu, the Lord God,
had revealed himself and declared himself Avatar!
The same Ram! The return of Ram!
Honoring the auspicious occasion, Meherjee pointed out that according to the Parsi calendar, Baba’s sixtieth birthday fell on this day, Wednesday, February 10th, 1954. Everyone sang the birthday song to him. Keshav recited his songs “Meher Chalisa,” and Baba embraced each one lovingly. Several of the Hamirpur men began dancing with joy. At 4:30 A.M., Waman Rao started the refrain, referring to Baba as Yogi, meaning Shiva:
“Yogi, mut jao, mut jao yogi!”
Shiva, don’t go, don’t go, Shiva!
But preparations for departure had already begun and the luggage was being packed. Baba had established himself deeply in the hearts of his Hamirpur lovers, and so his work was done and he would never really leave. At 5 A.M. (the hour of Baba’s birth), the program came to an end. Vishnu of Dhagwan performed the closing arti and prayers. Dhake then sang the Gujarati arti, joined by the others.
Lord Meher, Original Publication, Bhau Kalchuri, Vol. 12, pp. 4282 – 4283.