Baba remarked, “No one can understand my ways. I am beyond your understanding. Only Perfect Masters can know me and my ways.” Continuing, Baba explained, “Another point. As you all become more intimate with me, with opportunities to come closer to me, all that is good and all that is bad within you comes out in sparks, as it were. All the impressions of the past, the accumulation of past sanskaras of all illusory things, which include both good and bad, come out. My proximity, the intimacy with me, just change that mass of sanskaras and sometimes you find sparks of good and bad flying out.”

… After a few more private interviews, Baba and the mandali had tea. During one of the private interviews, Baba straightened out a romance as he had done in Myrtle Beach. The fiancée of one of the group had fallen in love with her fiancé’s best friend. Baba called all three and explained to the young man that “the girl and his best friend love each other, but don’t wish to hurt you, so I am asking you to release her,” which the young man tearfully did. …

Baba had spoken of “sparks flying,” and one incident occurred during the visit to Meher Mount. Agnes was about to leave her guests and go to Baba, when Ivy Duce asked for something. Agnes was in such a hurry to leave she did not fulfill Ivy Duce’s request, causing her to make some disparaging comment about Agnes. Fuming, Agnes came to Baba and said, “I don’t love everybody – what am I going to do about it?”

Baba looked at her, and Adi interjected, “Agnes you love everybody you just don’t like everyone!”

In the car while returning to Los Angeles, Baba sat next to Agnes in the front seat. She said, “Baba, you know what Ivy Duce said about me … I don’t believe it, but if it is true what am I going to do about it?”

Baba slapped her on the shoulder and chuckled, “I like you the way you are. I like your spirit!”

Agnes was so happy to have Baba come to Meher Mount after all these years, she felt silly and joked, “What kind of spirit do you like – the hard kind or just the mild?”

Baba would call Agnes the “Beloved’s Watchdog.” Years later, she concluded that the reason she was surrounded by so many hypocrites was that Baba wanted her to bark – but not bite – and snap at their heels!

Lord Meher, Bhau Kalchuri, Original Publication, Vol. 14, pp. 5066 -5068.