(May 1961) One day a woman approached Baba for darshan with her child. She requested Baba to bless her baby. Baba commented, “As you wish. But do you remember how last year on your request, I permitted you to visit Guruprasad to have my darshan a second time? You did not come.”

From the hundreds who had visited Guruprasad the past year it seemed incredible to the woman that Baba would remember such a small detail. The woman felt ashamed and apologized, explaining, “Baba, treat me as your daughter … I had to attend my brother’s marriage, so I could not come. Please pardon me.”

Baba as usual pardoned her, but also remarked, “I forgive you but remember, you yourself asked for an opportunity of which you did not avail. Any appointment with the God-Man has special significance which cannot be repeated. It is difficult to make up that loss. However, now be happy and forget about it.”

Lord Meher, Original Publication, Bhau Kalchuri, Vol. 17, pp. 5854 – 5855.