(May 1952) Margaret Scott had not seen Baba since 1935. “I am sorry I caused you suffering, Baba, for I know you have suffered for me,” she said.

“But your love has compensated for all the suffering,” Baba assured her. “I know deep down you do love me. Baba loves you, too.”

Margaret said, “Sometimes I am very naughty just because I do not understand. I think I understand now.”

“The most important thing to understand is that we must be honest to God, Baba, ourselves and to humanity. Honest in the sense that in loving God there has to be no compromise. Have you anything to ask?”

“I just do not know. I feel so peaceful.”

“There is no need to ask. And be sure of my love to help you. No need to ask, but Baba will help you through his love. Love God and Baba, and leave the rest to Divine Will.”

Margaret Scott saw Baba again the following morning at 10:40 A.M. At this meeting Margaret asked, “Why did you say yesterday that I have not changed?”

Baba replied: “You loved me when you last saw me, and you love me now, so you have not changed. You thought I meant you have not tried, you have not been honest to my love, have not grown in love for Baba? Did you think I meant that?”

“I thought I failed you, that I made you suffer,” Margaret confessed.

“As for suffering, I have suffered for myself and for the whole world and mostly for my intimate ones; so, definitely, I have suffered for you. But you love me. Hence this suffering has been compensated.

“I know exactly how you have tried, what you doubt, how you have tried to overcome this confusion, and how you eventually have come to me. All that means that you have not failed me. Everyone commits mistakes unless one is perfect and one with God, but love for Baba wipes away the mistakes. We must remember that God is all Truth, all Beauty. And in our love for God, for Baba, we must be one hundred percent honest. Purity, honesty and love; God wants these three things. And you love Baba; so don’t bother about anything.

“Love can wipe away every weakness, every mistake. When you love Baba one hundred percent, God, who is within you, knows the love, and that is enough for Him. He is in all, in saints, in sinners, in animals, in inanimate objects and in everyone. He is here right now within and without; He knows what we speak. He is wonderful, infinite, and only He is real. He knows you love Baba.

“Don’t worry about weaknesses. They will go, defects will go. Even if they linger on, love will one day consume them. In the Ocean of Love, everything disappears. However dirty our minds might be, the love we have will cleanse it completely. If you were to wash your face every day in this lake, all the dirt would go into the lake, but the lake would remain clear. Similarly, in you is a lake of love for Baba. So for every difficulty, every weakness that persists, you need not bother. It is being washed off. You must love with all your heart, and honestly. Love demands that you think not of yourself but of the Beloved. So, do not worry, and I tell you, even if you at times get doubts, get confused, even if you cannot love me as I want you to, do not worry at all. Baba loves you and that matters.”

Lord Meher, Original Publication, Bhau Kalchuri, Vol. 11, pp. 3800 – 3801.