Although several of the boys had been quite mischievous during his absence, Baba did not reprimand them. At five o’clock on October 7th, ​(1928) ​
Baba went for a walk to the river bank with the boys. The river was more than a mile away, and while walking they had to remove thorns and walk on stones along the rough path. When they reached the river and all had gathered around Baba, he stated:

See what troubles we have taken to reach the bank. We decided to come and have arrived. Had we been in the ashram, we would have had no idea about the river – its powerful current, the expanse of its water, et cetera. You drink water here and tell others you have drunk it and invite them to do the same. The inner path is similar.

A person has to undergo terrific hardships and becomes annoyed and tired, but I tell you not to give up patience and not to retrace your footsteps. Once you step on the path, never go back, but always forward. This is only a river, but I am the Ocean. Remember that.

Afterward, sitting among the boys, Baba distributed chocolates and sweets.

Lord Meher, Bhau Kalchuri, Original Publication, Vol. 3, p. 1103.

(Baba discarded the use of His alphabet board from October 7, 1954​)​