Meanwhile, a Muslim named Maulvi Abdul Wahid of Hyderabad arrived in Bombay in search of a friend and stayed in the mosque at Dadar. While he was meditating in the mosque, he saw a bright light issuing from the Manzil. He immediately sensed that there must be a “holy” or “divine personality” inhabiting the building. The next day, when he sat in meditation, he again saw a still brighter light, and in its brilliance he was able to read the words “MANZIL-E-MEEM.”

It was on February 16th when Wahid could no longer remain passive to his vision. He came and stood outside the Manzil. He was in such a dazed state that he ended up standing on the sidewalk the whole night without speaking to anyone.

The next morning, (February 17, 1923) the Master noticed the stranger outside; he sent Gustadji to inquire about the reason for the silent sentry by their gate. Wahid narrated his story about the light he had experienced in the mosque and added that he felt profound peace within himself near the Manzil. By Baba’s order, Wahid was directed to Munshi Rahim’s house, where he was given food and informed about who Meher Baba was.

After dinner a meeting of the Gutta was called, and the mandali asked, “Why is it that we always hear of outsiders – such as the Maulvi priest today – having great experiences of your divinity and seeing brilliant lights? And why are we, who you say are members of your circle, left in the dark?”

To appease them, Baba gave a brief but convincing explanation:

What happens when you place a kerosene lamp on the floor? It sheds light all around, but the area which is closest to it – encircling its base – is always dark. So it is with you who are closest to me. What is the use of all these great experiences and seeing of light? One day I will give you the real light and you will be out of the darkness forever! Wouldn’t you rather have that?

Lord Meher, Original Publication, Bhau Kalchuri, Vol. 2, pp. 477 – 478.