To Meher Baba’s Worldwide Family,
The Avatar Meher Baba Trust is initiating planning for the Super-Structure that will
overarch Baba’s Samadhi, and is inviting His lovers to participate in its design. At this time,
all who are interested may submit ideas for design. This document:
Provides background information about the Super-Structure
Clarifies the timing of the design and construction of the Super-Structure
Shares perspectives about the Super-Structure from the mandali
Details the design process
Specifies requirements and guidance for those providing submissions
Includes an appendix that illustrates how the Super-Structure relates to the darshan
This initial call for design ideas is the first opportunity for His lovers to be included in this
inspiring process. There will also be an opportunity in a later phase for His lovers to offer
feedback on the final designs that have been curated, as described below.
This entire process is intended to capture the imagination and creativity that resides in the
worldwide Baba family in order to create a design that is worthy of the Highest of the High.
The Samadhi of Avatar Meher Baba is the essential focus of pilgrimage for His lovers for all
time. This building which sits atop Meherabad Hill was constructed in 1938 using stones
from the original Post Office at Meherabad which Beloved Baba and His mandali inhabited
in their early time at Meherabad.
Survey Map of Upper Meherabad
In 1959, the Avatar Meher Baba Trust was formed and its founding Deed that Meher Baba
approved1 specifies that:
(A)The existing Tomb must always be available exclusively for the Settlor’s physical
remains to be buried therein as and when the Settlor drops his body.
(B)An area of not less than fifty feet on all the four sides of the Tomb to be similarly
available for its expansion and for the burial of the physical bodies after death of
some of the Settlor’s women disciples.
(C) The existing Tomb proper and the said specified area for its expansion and for the
graves which may be or will be there shall always be left completely unaltered and
unchanged for all times even when a bigger tomb is built as a super-structure over
them i. e. the Tomb proper and the specified area to be included under the super
structure as one collective whole
The establishment of the Super-Structure is one of the few aspects of the development of
Meherabad that Meher Baba directly specified. The Super-Structure will be important to
help preserve the physical structure of the Samadhi, as well as protecting pilgrims from the
elements as they approach the Samadhi for darshan. However, beyond its functional value,
when the masses come for pilgrimage the Super-Structure will be the first glimpse they
receive of the Samadhi complex—a sight which will help prepare them for the preciousness
of their intimate darshan at the Samadhi. Therefore, the mandali seemed to fully appreciate
the fact that this Super-Structure will become a defining feature of Meherabad. And as
such, the greatest effort must be made to ensure that such a feature is worthy of
overarching the Samadhi of the Avatar of the Age.
1; page 31
Timing of Super-Structure viz. the Master Plan
The Trust Master Plan2 calls for the Super-Structure to be constructed, but provides no
specific time-frame for when this is to happen. Rather, the Master Plan specifies that the
Super-Structure will be built at a time when the number of pilgrims coming to Meherabad
has significantly increased from what they are today. Since there is no way to project the
rate of increase in the numbers of pilgrims, it is not possible to establish the time when the
Super-Structure will be built. Therefore, the Trust recognizes that the actual construction
may be some time off.
Nevertheless, the Trust believes that now is the time to come up with the design for the
Super-Structure. The urgency of doing this now is in order to incorporate into the design
an understanding and appreciation of the mandali’s perspectives on the Super-Structure,
especially from Mani S. Irani, Meher Baba’s sister. It is also important to capture in the
design process the experience and perspective of residents and trustees whose close
involvement with the development of the Trust Estate has been influenced by the mandali
and, for some, their direct contact with Meher Baba.
The appendix provides diagrams that illustrate how darshan might take place within the
Super-Structure; it was developed for the Master Plan that the Trust has approved; however
it is an illustration for how the increase in numbers of pilgrims could be accommodated for
darshan, recognizing that the actual plan for the darshan experience will likely evolve over
time, as needed.
Mandali Perspectives:
Mani S. Irani was Meher Baba’s sister and was among the most intimate of Meher Baba’s
mandali. For many years, she also served as chairman of the Avatar Meher Baba Trust. One
morning in October 1992 in the Trust Office, Mani told Ted Judson (Trust architect and
Meherabad resident) about a vision she had the night before. She specifically said it was
not a dream but a “vision”. Mani made this sketch to describe it but said it was not very
Mani’s sketch of her vision
The next morning she saw a photo of a building in the newspaper, a portion of which she
said was the exact shape of her vision.
From newspaper article in the Times of India shown by Mani depicting a vesica piscis
This seems to conform to the shape referred to as a vesica piscis, which has been described
as symbolising “the interface between the spiritual and physical worlds, represented by the
two circles”.
Depiction of vesica piscis overlaid on Samadhi
Bhau Kalchuri recalled a time when Baba seemed to be referencing the Super-Structure
when he noted that “in 1965 Baba Himself in Mandali Hall called for a matchbox, took out
some matches, and made a design with them. At one point, He made the matches into a
3 This is consistent with the notion of the vesica piscis, which has an equilateral
triangle as the essential shape that underlies the form.
Mani also said the Super-Structure should be a canopy over the Tomb and the Samadhi
should be easily seen from the outside. Ted made a wire model and showed it to Mani. She
did not comment on it but kept it until she went to Baba. Mani’s sketch, the newspaper
photo and the model are now in the Trust’s archives at Meherabad.
Ted Judson’s Wire Model based on Mani’s Vision
In addition, Eruch Jessawala, long-time mandali member, encouraged that the SuperStructure
not be embellished in a way that detracts from the simplicity of the atmosphere
of Meherabad. He noted that an over-focus on decoration of the structure “will not help
glorifying Him but will detract the pilgrims from focusing entirely on Him.” He also
suggested a prism be incorporated, projecting the colours of Baba’s flag.
The Trust passed a resolution (19 April, 2023) that the Super-Structure design is to be
based on Mani’s vision, as follows: “The Board and Ad-hoc committee to establish this being
the absolute primary requisite for all design submissions.”
Design Process:
There are two major phases that will lead to a final design:
Phase One: An ad-hoc committee of five individuals (composed of Trustees, architects, and
Archives Department representative) will request submissions of design proposals from
the worldwide Baba family; these will be reviewed, and a shortlist of up to seven potential
designs will be provided for the Trust’s approval.
Phase Two: A review panel of seven individuals (composed of Trustees, architects, and
Archival Department representative) will assess the short-listed designs and winnow it
down to the most promising three designs. These three designs will be shared with the
worldwide Baba family for feedback; and then in consideration of the feedback, the review
panel will refine the three designs and present these to the Trustees to decide on a final
The final design may well incorporate features from several of the proposals. The Trust
views this as an opportunity for collaboration among designers to discover the most
creative ideas that will contribute to a Super-Structure that is inspired by the Avatar of the
Note that the Trust may make adjustments to this process as warranted.
Requirements and Guidance for Submissions:
Anyone may submit their ideas for the overall design of the Super-Structure. We request all
submitters to do their best to enable the reviewers to clearly visualise your design. This
may be through providing one or more of the following:
Artistic drawing
Floor plan
Elevation views
Designs should meet the following criteria:
Meet the specifications within the Trust Deed, i.e., a minimum of 50’ on either side of
the Samadhi
Be in keeping with Mani’s vision (per the Trust’s resolution, “The Board and Ad-hoc
committee to establish this being the absolute primary requisite for all design
The view of the Samadhi should not be impeded for those who are on the Hill
The design should conform with the atmosphere of simplicity at Meherabad
The following should not be disturbed:
o The Samadhi as well as the graves of the women mandali
o Baba’s Cabin and the Mast Ashram/Cage Room building
o The wall around the Meher Retreat
o The graves of Baba’s parents, close disciples, and pets
Your submission may also incorporate some or all of the following elements within the
overall design:
Features (e.g., images, quotes, figures, etc.)
Materials (e.g., marble, composite, glass, etc.)
Detailed design of interior/floor plan (e.g., railings, paving patterns, etc.)
It should be noted that Trust policy prohibits anything from disturbing or destroying
anything from Baba’s time, such as:
Posts from the gate to Baba’s compound
Mutka stand from Baba’s time
The trees from Baba’s time
However, if warranted an exception to some of these restrictions may be considered for the
Super-Structure, since it is being constructed according to Baba’s direction. Note that the
Sabha Mandap, the Samadhi portico, and anything constructed after 1969, will eventually
be removed.
Each submission should help the Trust visualise the proposed Super-Structure, providing
sketches and any other relevant information so the proposal can be fully considered. You
may also include an explanation of your design that highlights key ideas and your design
Also please note all submissions should:
Include a brief introduction about yourself and your background, as well as anyone
else involved in the preparation of your submission
Provide your e-mail address or other contact information
Be submitted either electronically to [email protected]; or have a
copy sent by registered mail to: Chairman—Avatar Meher Baba PPC Trust, Post Bag
31, King’s Road, Ahmednagar, MS, India; PIN code: 414001 (attention: SuperStructure Committee)
It would also be helpful for the Trust to be informed of your interest in making a
submission, so you can be notified if there are any changes to the process or time-frames or
additional information that could be helpful as you prepare your submission.
All submissions should be received by the Trust no later than January 1, 2025.
Also please note:
Any questions may be submitted to the committee at
[email protected]; the responses to questions will be consolidated
and shared on the Trust website.
The submitters should be available for follow-up questions from the Trust, as
The Trust will offer no compensation for the design submissions and we discourage
payment to any designers; instead we hope that all submitters will be inspired by
their hearts to contribute their ideas for Baba’s Samadhi Super-Structure.
All submissions will be considered the property of Avatar Meher Baba Perpetual
Public Charitable Trust (AMBPPCT).
Finally, it should be understood that there is no expectation that the person/s whose design
is selected will necessarily be involved in detailed design drawings or construction; as
noted earlier, the timeline for actual construction of the Super-Structure cannot be
determined at this time.
Upon receipt, the Trust will acknowledge receipt of the submission by e-mail.
We look forward to the bounty of creative expression that will be released in the design of
Beloved Baba’s Samadhi Super-Structure.
In the Love and Service of Avatar Meher Baba,
Framroze Mistry
Avatar Meher Baba Perpetual Public Charitable Trust
The Super-Structure is an essential feature of the Meherabad Master Plan. It is the only
aspect of the further development of Meherabad that Meher Baba specified, and it is
incorporated in the Trust Deed. The Meherabad Master Plan anticipates how Meherabad
will accommodate an increasing number of pilgrims. The maximum number of pilgrims
accounted for in the Master Plan allows one million pilgrims to have darshan within line-ofsight
of the marble over a seven day period.* The following diagrams illustrate how the
Super-Structure can help facilitate the darshan experience of that number of people. They
are provided to help designers envision how the Super-Structure will eventually be used
and how it will sit within its larger physical context on Meherabad Hill.
In viewing these diagrams, please note:
The Meherabad Master Plan calls for the Super-Structure to be constructed when the
number of pilgrims is between twice as many as today and five times as many as
today; since the future rate of increase in pilgrim numbers cannot be accurately
predicted, it is not possible to project with confidence the actual timing of
construction of the Super-Structure.
These diagrams illustrate the darshan experience at the time when 1 million
pilgrims are at Meherabad; for the initial period of time after construction, there will
probably not be the number of pilgrims that would require major changes to the
activities that occur today in and around the Samadhi, such as devotional singing;
however, eventually those activities will be conducted in other places on Meherabad
Hill outside the immediate vicinity of the Samadhi, as specified in the Meherabad
Master Plan.
These diagrams are not presented as the final plans; rather they were developed
during the preparation of the Meherabad Master Plan to demonstrate the feasibility
of accommodating a million pilgrims at a time. The Trust understands the actual
plan for darshan will be based on the prevailing requirements and available
methods and technologies at the time when the demand requires it. Therefore, there
is no need at this point to attempt to further refine these diagrams.
* The Trust has agreed that at some point in the future, the Amartithi celebration will be for
seven days
Diagram #1 shows the Super-Structure in the context of the top of Meherabad Hill. The
Super-Structure will over-arch the Samadhi, as well as the graves of the women mandali
and Baba’s Cabin. As the crowds require it, there will be covered seating for 2,000 pilgrims
surrounding the Super-Structure on one side, offering protection from the elements as they
await their opportunity to enter the Super-Structure for darshan.* There will be lines-ofsight
of the Super-Structure from the five view corridors and Baba’s Path that pilgrims will
follow as they approach the top of Meherabad Hill. Entry into and regress from the SuperStructure
will be provided through the view corridors. Essential facilities for leaving and
retrieving shoes as well as toilets will be provided outside the seated area. Provision will
be made for people with handicaps to gain access into the Super-Structure.
*The design submissions should anticipate the need for an eventual inclusion of a covered
seating area surrounding one side of the Super-Structure (as indicated on the diagram), but
need not actually include a design for the covered seating area.
Diagram #2 illustrates how darshan could be experienced when the number of pilgrims has
increased to the point where it is not possible to accommodate individuals having darshan
experience inside, or even adjacent to, the Samadhi.* Pilgrims would have received in
advance an appointed time to enter into one of the four covered seating areas. When their
turn for darshan comes, the pilgrims would deposit their shoes and enter the SuperStructure, where
they will be allowed to circumambulate the Samadhi, coming within lineof-sight of the Marble.
As they complete their circumambulation, they would exit the
Super-Structure from the same place where they had entered, retrieve their shoes, and then
exit down the view corridor from which they arrived.
*A more complex version of this diagram has been created that shows how darshan is
experienced during “surge” periods, such as Amartithi.