(June 1962) One day, a Parsi barrister came to see Baba. He was not convinced of Baba’s divinity and asked, “Why don’t you prove what you claim to be? Why don’t you do any miracles?”

Baba first laughed and then stated at length:

The Creator (God), Who is limitless, formless and unbounded, is not bound to prove to His own creation that He is the Creator. It is for the creation to know, find and realize the Creator.

A father never even dreams to prove to his own son that he is his real father. In spite of this, if the son doubts him, naturally he tries to search for his real father – and ultimately, the son is convinced that what his father said is true.

You talk of open miracles. Do you take me to be a madari – magician? Jesus Christ was publicly humiliated, stoned and spat on by the ignorant ones. This mockery, his apostles, such as Peter and James, (1) could not bear to see – and they persuaded Jesus to do miracles to pacify the crowds. Although Jesus was reluctant to do so, yet, in order not to displease his apostles, he openly performed miracles.

What happened as a consequence? He was accused of being a magician, tried, found guilty and crucified.

If I really am that One I have been claiming to be for the last forty years, do you think it is essential on my part to do such things? When God, Who, as I said, is formless, takes a form in a mortal, human body to awaken people when they need awakening – only a few accept him, and whatever he says is laughed at and mocked. But the same [Impersonal] God – whom very few fortunate ones have realized – without form, is faithfully and convincingly accepted.

As I have often said, this body is not really what I claim to be. And these childish questions simply amuse me. God needs your intense love. He needs you to become dust for his love, instead of defying Him. It is better to deny God than to defy him.

God’s ways are mysterious, and He alone understands his mystery. “Khuda ki baten Khuda hi jane” – “God alone knows and understands His own language.”

The real testing time for you will definitely come, and you will have to determine whether to stick to me and hold on to my daaman.

(1) The original translated text read “Peter and Paul,” but Saul of Tarsus, later named Paul, was not associated with Jesus Christ while Jesus was alive in Jerusalem. A zealot rabbi, Saul became a persecutor of Jesus’s followers. It was several years later, after Jesus’s crucifixion and physical disappearance from Jerusalem, that Saul “saw the light of Christ on the road to Damascus” and met Peter and the other apostles, and was renamed Paul. James was one of the first twelve apostles and the elder brother of the apostle John.

Lord Meher, Original Publication Bhau Kalchuri, Vol. 17, pp. 5899 – 5901.