Jai Meher Baba!  Dear Beloved Baba’s Family,

This notice is lovingly intended for all those who have submitted a request to perform for Beloved Meher Baba during the 54th Amartithi programme on 30th Jan, 31st Jan and 1st Feb. 2023:

The time limit for song or dance performance will be 4 minutes (not 5 minutes as previously announced.)

This year, because of the longing of His lovers to come to Meherabad for a live Amartithi after two years’ closure, we have a very large number of requests – around 100 more than in 2020.   As always, we feel that everyone who wishes to perform as a love-offering for Beloved Baba before His Samadhi should be given a chance.

Though we had mentioned in our letter that you would be allotted 5 minutes for your performance – we are now announcing that, by necessity, for the first time there will be a 4- minute time limit for songs and dances.  A very few exceptions will be made for large group performances

and some late night performances.  Kindly accept and respect the 4-minute time limit and prepare your performance with this in mind.  Of course, 2 or 3-minutes performances are also most welcome!

This year the time limit will be more strictly enforced, in order to give everyone their opportunity within the 3 days program.  We know it is disappointing, as one gets carried away in love for Baba when performing in the surcharged setting of His Amartithi.  We lovingly request you to be most conscious and careful of this time limit for the sake of all. 

We are notifying you now so that you may measure/time your song or dance in advance, and plan accordingly for the four-minute limit.  You may have to omit introductions, or one or more stanzas of your song, or cut portions of your dance.   Please do cooperate, in Baba’s Love and harmony.

 “Art thrives on limitations” it is said!  All have to be “short and sweet!”  We lovingly thank you in advance for your cooperation.

The schedule/timetable will be available on the Trust website around the 20th-21st January.  https://avatarmeherbabatrust.org/

In His Love and Service,

Mehernath Kalchuri,

Amartithi Programme Coordinator & team