Baba devoted that day, (Feb.24, 1954) from 8:30 to 11:30 A.M., and again from 3:30 to 6 P.M., to house visits. At least sixty homes were visited, as well as a few schools, another Sai Baba temple, the Theosophical High School and various business establishments that were owned or managed by Baba lovers, such as the Venkatarah Printing Press. Baba visited many of the houses without prior notification. The residents were taken by surprise at Baba’s abrupt appearance, and while some ran to fetch a chair for their illustrious guest, others would hurriedly send for flowers and garlands. Baba apparently enjoyed all the commotion and chaos.

Kishan Singh described that hectic day as follows:

Baba worked on earth like lightning in the sky, moving from place to place so hurriedly and quickly, expressing his love to all the family members and relatives of the respective lovers, as they were introduced by them when Baba visited their homes, embracing some of them, giving special prasad, posing for family photographs, sipping a little coconut water or other cold drinks at some places, and giving the rest to his lovers and their families to drink, and so forth. Arti was performed practically at all places visited by Baba. All sorts of garlands – flower, golden lace and camphor beads – were put around his neck in quick succession. The tempo was much increased as Baba had said this was his last visit to Andhra.

Sai Baba of Shirdi is famous throughout all of India. Sai Baba’s photograph was hanging in a room at Mr. K. N. Choudary’s house. Pointing to it, Baba remarked, “His eyes were matchless. No one in the world has such eyes.”

Later at eleven o’clock at the Sai Baba temple, Baba pointed to Sai Baba’s portrait and stated, “In a way, the five Perfect Masters made me what I am, the Ancient One. He is my Grandfather.”

Baba entered another Sai Baba temple twenty minutes later, folded his hands to Sai Baba’s picture and stated, “If there is real love, it is here. He is everywhere, and I am everywhere.”

Baba then went and visited different families’ homes. After giving prasad to Venkata Rao and his family, Baba remarked, “When I give anything unasked, it is really given.”

Lord Meher, Original Publication, Bhau Kalchuri, Vol. 12, pp. 4312 -4313.