Trust Circular
Avatar Meher Baba Perpetual Public Charitable Trust
Announcement for May 2023 Programme at Meherabad
Honouring the Centenary Year of the First Visit of
Beloved Baba to Meherabad on 4th May 1923
Avatar Meher Baba Trust, Ahmednagar (India) will organize a two-day
programme on 4th and 5th May 2023. The following items are planned for the
two-day programme.
ITEM 1: Five to six Baba centres are each invited to give a 20 minute long
presentation with songs, music, short skits, and some humorous episodes from
Baba’s early life. Please note that 20 minutes is the maximum time limit for
each centre, and the first five or six entries–first come, first serve basis–will be
included in the programme.
The centres interested in giving a 20 minute presentation should positively
inform Gokaran Shrivastava at [email protected], the Librarian,
Trust Library Department, the outline of their 20 minute presentation before
30th December 2022. Only the first five or six presentations offered will be
selected. Those centres whose presentations are selected must submit a video
or a DVD of their recorded programme by the end of March 2023. This can be
sent to us online. The contact address for being included in this programme
is [email protected].
ITEM 2: There will be a short two to three kilometer long Padyatra in and
around Meherabad that all pilgrims will be free to join. Details of the Padyatra
will be posted on notice boards of the Meherabad hostels and M.P.R., two days
before the programme.
ITEM 3: There will be talks in Hindi and English based on Baba’s first
Meherabad visit in May 1923. There will also be the story of Gilori Shah related
to Meherabad, and the historical and spiritual Importance of Arangaon,
Ahmednagar and Maharashtra will be given by invited Baba lovers.
ITEM 4: There will be a formal inaugural session with the Chairman’s and
organizers’ addresses.
ITEM 5: Board members of the Trust and some invited heads of a few Baba
centres will be invited to share their perception about the future of Meherabad
in the light of Beloved Baba’s statements that He gave in 1955 and 1958 during
the two Meherabad sahavases that Meherabad will become the greatest place of
pilgrimage in the world after 60 -70 years.
ITEM 6: There will be some new films and videos already being prepared by the
Meherabad film team.
ITEM 7: Closing programme.
Baba centres are requested not to send requests for anything other than –
“ITEM 1” – listed above.
Final deadline for submitting the presentation outline: – 30th December
Jai Meher Baba!
In the Love & Service of Avatar Meher Baba,
Framroze Mistry,
AMBPPC Trust, Ahmednagar (India) 414001