(June 1959) The moment you try to understand God rather than love Him, you begin to misunderstand Him, and your ignorance feeds your ego. Mind cannot reach that which is beyond it. God is infinite and beyond the reach of mind.

The Divine Will that brought forth this infinite illusion expresses itself in all its purity through me, and through me functions to make you turn away from illusion toward God-Consciousness.

Every moment, I respond to the whole creation. My response, being a divine response,  is wholly and entirely one of love.

The many facets of that one response, as they appear to you, are but the reflections of your many-mirrored mind. You view and judge my actions from your level of understanding and attempt to differentiate them in the light of your own limited standard of values. Thus, it is possible for you to misinterpret the different shades of my response to different people.

Being unlimited, I am simultaneously on all levels of consciousness; and as such, in my response, I differentiate one from the other solely in the light of his or her impressions (sanskaras), or the different states of consciousness that the impressions give rise to. Each action of mine is discerned with varied responses in accordance with the necessity of the recipients on varied planes of consciousness. And so, by its very nature and magnitude, my divine response sometimes appears enigmatic.

Do not try with your limited mind to understand the significance of my actions, nor try to imitate them. You must not do what I do, but do what I tell you to do. To try to bring my every action within the orbit of your understanding is but to understand the limitations of your own understanding.

When I see you confused, at times I am moved to give an explanation, to clarify the reason for a particular action of mine. This I do out of my compassion and love for you. And thus it is that sometimes I seem to be defending my actions with explanations and giving reasons for them. This but depicts your weakness and reveals my strength.

But  remember that despite my explaining, the significance of my actions will ever remain beyond the range of your knowing. The utter simplicity of my divine game appears to be highly intricate as soon as you try to understand it through your intellect.

The more you have my sahavas [companionship] and receive of my love with an open heart, the more wholeheartedly you begin to accept me. And it is equally true that the more you see of me, the more convinced you become that you understand me less and less. Exerting to comprehend my divine game through the [intellect’s] process of understanding opens up vast fields of speculation in which you wander and arrive sooner or later at a dead end, finding yourself helplessly lost and none the wiser.

If my actions cause confusion, it is because of your lack of complete trust. Therefore, uproot all doubts and remember well that whatever I do is for the best. All my actions are born of my divine response filled with divine love.

Lord Meher, Original Publication, Bhau Kalchuri, Vol. 16, pp. 5606 – 5607.